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Workplace Design

It’s time to banish boring workplaces.

For the last 30 years, we have been helping businesses showcase their brand and culture with our workplace design services. Our approach isn’t about aesthetics, it’s about enabling people to work in the way that suits them best. It’s about deeply understanding how people interact with their surroundings to design an office space that enables incredible work to happen…and well, yes looks amazing.

Workplace design services

Re-imagine your workplace

Good workplace design is where insight, strategy and creativity come together. It’s about problem solving and subtly building positive behaviours – it’s about people, above all.

Liesl WherryCreative Lead

Your workplace is the heart of your business

Meaningful workplace design solutions

It was Winston Churchill who said
“We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us“.

We think he was right – and there’s plenty of academic research to show that the right workspace design can boost productivity by between 5 and 15%.

However, the way we work has changed dramatically. Workplaces must be designed to serve the people in them but also those who are working remotely. A seamless tech infrastructure and dedicated areas for hybrid (or even Metaverse) meetings will help your people connect no matter their location.

Your workspace now sits at the heart of a wider ecosystem, with a remit to encourage chance encounters, boost creativity, facilitate communication, provide an engaging employee and visitor experience, enhance wellbeing and improve your organisation’s sustainability metrics.

In short, your workplace needs to work. At Interaction, we understand that every workplace is different – we steer clear of a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, our work is governed by three key principles:

  • Dream: We’ll immerse ourselves fully in your vision and long-term goals, so can understand exactly what you need. By working together, we can create a custom brief for transforming your workspace.

  • Design: We are a team of innovators, market-leading design experts and specialist contractors. Rest assured that every aspect of your new workspace will be meticulously planned down to the finest detail.

  • Deliver: We will work with you to bring your vision to life. We strive to deliver perfection at pace – so we will be continually reviewing and refining every aspect of the design to fulfil your needs and expectations.
Workplace design for Runway East in Bloomsbury

Thoughtful and strategic interior design

Our workplace strategies are fully realised down to the finest details, and this is evident in our approach to interior design. If your focus is on sustainability, productivity or wellbeing, our designers can channel this into their choice of colours, lighting and textures. Your goals will fuel our imagination.

Interior design is also an opportunity to express your brand identity – with finishing touches that make your company unique and help employees feel at home in your workspace. We will combine timeless aesthetics with cutting-edge trends, balancing creativity and strategy in their choice of colours, fabrics, furnitures and fittings.

Fabric swatches for workspace interior design

Workplace Design Case Studies

Creating amazing workspaces

Take a closer look at our case studies, discovering how our expert team helped these businesses reach new heights through workplace design.

Time to revolutionise your workplace?

We’d love to hear your plans. Get in touch with Charlie to see how we can bring them to life. 

Always-on support

Appointment to aftercare

Every ongoing job, no matter how small, gets seen to by our experienced Client Care team. Whether it’s reconfiguring the space or replacing a carpet tile, you will have a single point of contact who responds quickly and efficiently to get the issue sorted.

Client care for end-to-end workspace design

Latest insights.

We’re passionate about inspirational workspaces, so we’re committed to exploring and sharing the latest and cleverest workplace thinking with you.